Monday, March 7, 2011

Some Days...

Today started out tough.   Carson was up through the night screaming.  In retrospect I'm sure some tylenol and orajel would have calmed him right down but in my sleepy fog I just nursed him and held him and tried to put him back down, where he cried again.  Not cried, screamed.  Loud screaming. 
Eventually around 630 the screaming finally stirred the other two.  I stumbled to the couch where my gracious husband brought me a cup of coffee before he left for work.  The older two fought all morning it seems.  We bought two comfy polka dot chairs when we moved in this house.  Two.  For two big kids. But every single time the chairs are out, the kids fight. "I was in this one" "Me first" "My turn" "He's not sharing"  I read a book once with great ideas to try to talk them through these situations and get to the root of their selfish heart and help them come to a place where they can love and serve each other.  Awesome in theory.  when Darby was 6 months old I was a parenting expert.  All these books all these ideas.  2 yr olds don't have conversations about selfish hearts.  They scream and they cry and they hit and they repeat the words their siblings have said "SSSSHHHHHAAAAAAAAAARRRREEE!!!!" A word meant to teach has become a fighting word. 

I put the crabby baby down for a nap with orajel.  He sleeps for 2 glorious hours and wakes up a new child.
I put away the chairs and pull out pen and paper.  Darby reads her first words.  Bat. Cat. Rat. and Mat.  She's proud. We laugh and high-five.
Kyler and I do letter puzzles and he tackles me with hugs.

It was a hard morning.  Feeling sorry for myself.  Feeling tired.  Missing those good friends that really know me and those trips to chick-fil-a.

The thing is, if I wait long enough, and I choose to start counting my gifts, the day turns around.  Kids still bicker and the messes are overwhelming, but these faces....  these sweet faces are worth these tough days....that really?  aren't that bad. 


  1. Thanks for sharing this with me. Your point is definitely truth and I wouldn't change a thing either.

  2. love, love, love. k has had a fever 102 or above since last night. finally calmed this morning. i didn't feel great. it was easy to start to feel sorry for myself but i had gotten up and managed to finish the book, read some of THE book and made myself see the good. and that i did. still miss you though, lovin the blog.

  3. Excited to get to see a glimpse of your life :-)I hope you keep this up! Love you and miss you!

  4. Glad I could get you coffee :)

  5. Love you Candy. So glad you started this, though you must be Excellent at time management, where do you find the time?! lol Love hearing about your life. Miss you. Let's skype soon?

  6. Ha that's why it took almost 4 years to start. I make time b/c I need some down time during the day sometimes. It feels like a little break to just sit. and type. and practice thinking about something other than trains and princesses which is my world most of the time right now. and yes. skype soon.
