Monday, November 7, 2011

What We're Reading

Something about Fall and lighting a fire makes me want to curl up under a blanket with a book.  Of course, the reality is that most of my 'reading' these days is listening to audiobooks while I try to get the house back in order over naptime....regardless, I thought it would be fun to list some of the books we've been reading this month and last.

Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis -
the story of a young girl from Tennessee who moves to Uganda for what was supposed to be only a short time.  She is now 23 and the mother to 13 beautiful Ugandan little girls and runs a non-profit that provides food and schooling for hundreds of others. Mostly a compilation of her blog posts over the past few years.  Amazing.  Challenging.  Such a neat story of what God can do through those who are willing.  Reading her story brought perspective to my chaos and moved something in my heart about our responsibility as believers to care for orphans.  Too much moved in my heart to state in a paragraph, so just read it for yourself.  I have several teenage girls in mind that I will be giving this to as a Christmas gift. :)

Bittersweet:  Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way by Shauna Niequist
I am not sure how to recommend this book, as every single chapter has made me cry.  Mostly tears of remembering, empathizing with her story b/c it sounds so similar to ours in so many ways.  Not every detail.  We have walked different journeys but so many of the chapters, whether heavy or light-hearted, make me wish that I had written them myself because I feel like she knows me and is telling my story with different names and different specifics.  From her chapter on hating running and her friend that made her change her mind (oh Kelly you must read that one) to her chapter about her dear friends who walked those early roads of motherhood with her that will always be dear to her heart no matter the miles that separate them (oh too many to count) even to her description of her little boy turning 3 that reminds me so much of our sweet almost 3 year old.  I cannot tell you how many times Conor has walked into the room to find me with my headphones in my ears sobbing hard.  I recommend it.  I do.  especially to my friends in their 20s and 30s that feel like 'transition' is the word that best characterizes their life lately.  You will cry, but it will be a good, cleansing cry that you come out the other side of with hope and thankfulness for every part of your journey.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett  I know I'm late reading this one.  But I wanted to read it before I saw the movie because I'm stubborn like that.  It's wonderful and eye-opening and I couldn't put it down. The story was so rich and the character development so good that I really am not sure I will watch the movie because I know it won't measure up.

Self Talk, Soul Talk:  I haven't started this one yet but it's next on my list, sitting on my bedside table as we speak.  Because my grandmother recommended it and I appreciate her wisdom and think if she said it's worth reading.  It's worth reading.

Quitter by Jon Acuff.  Ok we both read this one.  I read it primarily because I think Jon Acuff is funny.  And his book made me laugh.  Who reads a business book because they need a laugh?  Conor and I apparently.  It's good solid common-sense advice and it's funny. :)

A few Church Ministry/Leadership books
Activate: An entirely New Approach to Small Groups
Crucial conversations: Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High

Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives - written by a doctor, the author unpacks one of the reasons he thinks we Americans are such a mess - b/c we don't have enough margin in our lives.  Conor found the first half of the book fascinating and kept reading excerpts out loud to me.  Apparently the second half wasn't as good.

And many more.  I really can't keep up with him.  Ever since he got his ipad with the reverse contrast type so that it's easy on his eyes it's like he can't read enough.  Making up for all those lost years when reading was harder work.
Oh and he's been reading those obnoxious eragon books.  That I can't stand and refuse to link to.  The next one comes out this month. Ugh.

Little House in the Big Woods - a classic we're reading aloud to her :)  she finds it boring at times but we're pressing on.  Excited to introduce her to a girl character that is not a princess.
Fancy Nancy series
Gigi: God's Princess
Jesus Storybook Bible
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe - she and daddy read this together.  So sweet.

Spot Bakes a Cake  - almost every day.  It's his favorite and to be honest Spot reminds me a little of Kyler.  Is that weird?  
Baby Einstein Alphabet book (mostly because of the "baby dragon" puppet on the front, he quickly loses interest when he realizes it's not actually about the baby dragon)
Anything Dr Seuss

Anything with fuzzy animals he can touch.  He's JUST NOW at 16 months beginning to let us read to him.  The kid does not like to sit still and it's probably my fault that his speech is delayed because he's only been to library story time once in his entire toddler life.  He will probably still be reading the fuzzy books in Kindergarten and climbing on the bookshelves and eating paint.  All because I didn't read to him enough.  Seriously though I think he's messing with us.  One day he'll say a complete sentence and then not a word for a week.  Maybe we're hearing things or maybe since his sister will often speak for him he just doesn't see the need.  Mostly I think he's just too busy working on his running and jumping and climbing out windows and turning on the TV & DVD player himself to be bothered.  But this post is about books and he likes fuzzy animal ones and these little miniature books shaped like blocks that his great-grandmother bought one of his siblings.  :)  He loves those.  And has about destroyed them from carrying them around everywhere he goes.

So-what are you reading?  Anything we should add to our lists?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Dance

"Dance with me, Mama, dance with me!"  A skinny two year old waves his arms and spins in circles shaking his tiny hips to the music.
And so I do, and the baby who is not quite a baby at 15 months old joins in and we laugh and turn in circles, the three of us.  And I think "these are the moments I cherish."
And the two year old slips on his bare feet and his head slams against the wall and silence and then the cry that hurts a mama's heart.  So I scoop him up and he clings to me with his skinny arms and legs as his tears show themselves on the shoulder of my shirt, and I hold him and I dance for him while he cries....  And I think "these are the moments I cherish."
Because far too soon this little boy will be a big boy and then a man, and he won't need his mama in the same way anymore.  He won't wrap little legs around my waist and hold on tight to my neck while I whisper into his ear that he'll be ok.
And so I drink in the moment.  And thank the Good Lord for these sweet babies I have been given the privilege of loving and cherishing and teaching and training.  That I can show them by dancing and by sweet whispers of comfort that they are cherished and adored, by their parents on Earth, but how much greater by their Father in Heaven, who loves them with a love more perfect than mine could ever be.  And that I can whisper every day of His grace, His love and how He showed it on the cross and how their heavenly Father can hold them when they're sad - even when they're too big and too proud to let their mama see their tears.  But for now I walk with my snot stained shoulders, remembering every day, even the hard ones, when the tears are my own, that every day of this sweet season is such a precious gift.

Photo by Margaret Blades Photography

Monday, October 24, 2011

For the Dress-Up Princess

Darby lives for dress up.  We've really been struggling as her dress-up collection grows with how to store it so that she can easily clean it up herself and the dresses don't get ruined by being stuffed in bins.  I've had some ideas floating around but this week it finally came together.  

Ikea Mirror: 9.99
Hooks (Target): 10.99 each

All hung with 3M strips so that when she's too old for dress-up we don't have 8 different drill marks in the wall.    She absolutely loves it!
I want to put "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" somewhere on the mirror or the wall by the mirror but I have to find some reasonably priced vinyl lettering or some other cheaper option first.   Any ideas?

Pumpkin Patch Pictures

They're some of my favorites every year.  Here's 2 years ago.  Just because it's cute and the kids have changed so much.

 And this year:  adding in a sweet little redhead.

 Gram came to help at the patch and we couldn't have done it without her.  As usual. :)
 My favorite part of our pumpkin patch is the FIELD of zinnias.  For $3 you get a cup and some scissors and can cut as many as you can fit in your cup.  The kids love it.

Happy Fall!

Like brother like ... brother

These two boys of ours have a fire in their hearts.  Passionate, driven, and quite determined.  Qualities that will take them far, help them do big things.  But as their mother, I'm holding on for dear life trying to train up these little warriors.  They have sweet cuddly moments and both have very sensitive hearts - but boy do they keep us busy. 

Little man has bruises all over his forehead.  From climbing out of the crib.  Again. And again.  Fifteen months old - I wasn't ready to fight this battle for at least 6 more months.  Thankfully we turned the crib around and that seems to be holding him in for now.  Friends have recommended a crib tent, but I know this boy and I know his brother and between the two of them, they'd have that figured out in no time.

 Carson climbed out the window the other day.  We're sitting in the living room enjoying the fresh air of a beautiful fall day and realize Carson is no longer playing by the couch.  He's walking around the backyard.  He pushed out the screen and climbed right out.  Thankfully our window is only a foot off the ground so there were no injuries.  He was actually quite proud of himself.

We're bracing ourselves for at least 15 years of scraped knees, bloody noses, black eyes, and broken bones and praying for two boys that hold on to their passion, drive, and determination and direct it toward serving the Lord as men of character and humility and men with the ability to lead and live boldly.  We want them to be world changers, to do big things.  (As long as those big things don't involve robbing banks.)

We asked Kyler a few days ago if he was going to be a world-changer, & his response?  "No, I'm just gonna be Batman."  I love these wild boys. :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Sweetest Birthday Gift

My birthday isn't even until tomorrow and already it has been one of the best birthdays.  Ever.

Conor and I celebrated Friday night when he rented a boat to take me out on the river(!).  Easily the sweetest date he's ever planned.  We had dinner served to us on a private little electric boat that we rode up and down the river.  Amazing.  Absolutely beautiful.  To prove it - here are the pictures:

The first hour and a half were amazing.  Just us, uninterrupted conversation, dinner and the sun setting over the city skyline.  The people on the dinner cruise next to us cooed about how cute we were and girls were elbowing their boyfriends/husbands/fiances about what a sweet date we were on.  And then, as usual, we were interrupted by the pitter patter of little feet.  Only this time, they were not feet of cute little children.  I wish they were.  A giant ugly rat climbed out of a little hole on the bow of the boat, ran around and climbed back in.  A big fat river rat.  The cooing from the boat next to us turned into screams and gasps.  "THERE'S A RAT ON YOUR BOAT!"  "And he's not little, he's BIG!"  Thank you.  Thank you people on the boat next to us.
The cruise line offered to comp back our entire rental and meal AND offered us a free rental for up to 10 people next time.  So it all worked out in the end.  But still.  There was a rat on our boat.

On Sunday our family went to my parents' house to celebrate with barbecue and chocolate cake. :)  When we arrived, my sister handed me a card.  In case you didn't know, my sister, Cory, is 19 months older than me and has Down Syndrome. I can't explain to you how special she is to me.  The card Cory handed me is the sweetest gift I've ever received and is what made this the best birthday I've ever had.  I thought you might enjoy reading it as well.

There were tears.  I love her. :)

Here is the text of the letter in case the pictures don't show up:

Tomorrow is your birthday so you are my best sister and a great mother for your kids.  Today, we celebrate your birthday.  God will watch over you every day and every night.  You are my hero and lovable sister.  Happy Birthday Sis.  Cory  

I've never heard anyone who had a sibling with special needs describe it as anything other than a blessing.  And a blessing she is.  I learn so much from Cory and am beyond thankful for her.  Thank you for the card, Cory.  Best. Present. Ever.

Monday, September 26, 2011

A New Addition

Our family doesn't really do pets.  Mostly because it sounds like a lot of work and young kids and animals don't really mix...

But everything changed last night when we brought home four goldfish after rescuing them from a youth group activity (that I probably should not describe here...tho I want to...because it was hilarious)  I thought goldfish would be a simple enough pet.  Like Dorothy in Elmo's world, we'd just get a cute bowl and let them swim around.  A few flakes in the bowl every day, periodic cleaning out of said bowl.  It would be fun and another chore to add to Darby's chore chart.

In the morning the kids were ECSTATIC to see the fish.  Darby named each of them and claimed the 'clean' ones for herself and said Ky could have all the 'dirty' ones (any fish with a speck of gray in their coloring)

Only one little mishap of Mommy walking away from the fish for a second and returning to screams and one of the bowls filled with chocolate cheerios.  Lovely. 

We didn't really have any bowls big enough for 4 goldfish (I had kind of counted on at least one of them dying overnight...) so off we went to the pet store to find a cute large goldfish bowl or tank.  (super easy errand with 3 kids...ha!)  Unfortunately the condescending and slightly rude employees informed me that goldfish needed at least 2.5 gallons of water EACH and really for 4 goldfish we should get them a 40 gallon tank.  Apparently in some countries goldfish bowls are banned because they are considered "animal cruelty."  I laughed out loud at the craziness.  Really?  These goldfish are normally sold as food for other fish.   

So meet the newest members of the family:  Clifford and Philadelphia Beta.

Darby insisted on a "girl" beta even if they weren't as pretty, and Ky was super excited about a red fish.
$20 for a tank, food AND fish that don't mind living in tight spaces.  Much better.

Please don't ask what happened to the goldfish.  I haven't decided yet.  Apparently if you can't release them in a pond (which they don't really suggest in case the fish are diseased), the most humane thing is to euthanize them.  Right.  Because that's practical.  I did read one suggestion that if you couldn't euthanize them, the second best thing was essentially to put them in a tube sock and beat them against a wall. 

Let's just say I'm a little confused.

Welcome to the family Clifford and Philadelphia.  Please live at least a week.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Welcome Fall

Well it doesn't feel like Fall here.  At least not the kind of Fall to which I had become accustomed with crisp cool air, crunchy red and yellow leaves, and cozy sweaters.  Here in Texas, the weather has just recently dipped below triple digits, the crunching under my feet is the dead grass in my backyard from a record-setting drought, and my boys ran around outside shirtless asking to play in the sprinkler.

Nevertheless, tonight we celebrated Fall.  Pumpkin pancakes, hot apple cider, and cinnamon pears.


Forgive the blurry picture.  Wild one would not sit still all night and I needed to prove he participated.

Of course after dinner we had baths to wash off all the sticky.  I think I'm going to be sad when they're old enough to shower on their own.  Or relieved?  I'm not quite sure.

And after baths some family puzzle time.  Which was not as pleasant as it sounds.  Lots of brothers destroying puzzles, screaming, time-outs for screaming, Mommy reading to the baby to distract him from puzzle (which doesn't work even for a moment).  More screaming.  More talks about self-control and kind words and letting brother help.  Then puzzle finally completed to reveal....we're missing a piece.  Such is life these days.  But it's wonderful.  Life with these three.  Chaotic and wonderful.
The friend in the front left is 'Kiwi' the class pet Darby is taking care of for the weekend.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dot Paint

With this crazy Texas heat, we've had to work hard to find ways to keep three kiddos busy in the air conditioning.  We've spent a lot more time inside than I anticipated this Summer.  I heard the high today was only 105 down from the weekend.  We're somewhere around 70 days over 100 degrees this Summer.  They're calling it the hottest Summer on record.  And still - I'll take it over a Philly winter any day.

These kids love to paint.  They love it. But, Ky doesn't fully understand how to use watercolors yet.  And I have a confession to make.  I HATE finger paint.  I hate it.  It makes a huge mess and it's gooey and they try to taste it and did I mention how messy it is?


While walking the aisles of Michael's the other day, I paint.  I'd forgotten such wonderful things existed.  It's less messy, no bowls of water to tip over, and Kyler can do it without help (which is important for Mr "I do it by self" right now).   So fun.

Darby still opts for watercolor sometimes.

One of her paintings.  She wrote "Pappy" all by herself.  She was so proud.  I had to take a picture so that we could give it to Pappy and still preserve the cuteness of the upside down and backwards lettering.

Where was Carson?  Trying to climb on top of the table and eat the paints.  He has discovered that he can climb on the dining room table.  Awesome.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Our big girl started preschool last week.  She's been counting down for about a year.
She's only going 2 mornings a week, but I think it's perfect.  Cherishing every moment with her before 'real' school starts. :)

When we got in the car to drive to her school, I heard her take a deep breath and say "Wow, I'm really going to preschool."
Couldn't have said it better myself.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Baking Cookies


Because cookies taste better when they're made with tiny fingers.

And because there's nothing more fun than helping mom in the kitchen.

And because a house full of special memories and the smell of fresh cookies is the best kind of house.

Family Planning

"Hey Mom, if you need us, we'll be right over here making each other laugh."  Darby told me this morning.

3 kids in 38 months.  Is it what we planned?  Nope. I distinctly remember a conversation with a friend who loves having her kids so close in age and smiling and listening to her talk about how wonderful it is and thinking in my head. "Nope, that's not for me."  I love the baby stage.  Love it.  I wanted to spread our kids out so that I could fully enjoy and cherish each and every moment and stage of each child.  Make sure everything was manageable and still keep my house clean and stay involved in adult activities and relationships.

It's funny now when I remember how much time I spent thinking about what the perfect family dynamic would be and exactly how far apart I wanted my kids and how many I wanted and even which gender should come first....

So much pride.  Thinking I knew what was best for our little family.  Forgetting that the One who knows the end of the story...I should really leave that kind of planning to Him.  Sure there's wisdom in planning, but sometimes I hold on to those plans with white-knuckled fists.  And He smiles and slowly loosens my grasp finger by finger . . . because He loves me.  And He has better plans...

And I whine about how crazy my days are and how little sleep I get sometimes and how hard it is to get to know people when you can barely finish a sentence...And when I hear the "you have your hands full" about 8 times a day...and when I crash into the couch in my toy-covered living room after bedtime...

Children are a blessing.

 And it is hard.  Really hard and now that the baby is 13 months old I'm just starting to get close to feeling in control most days again.

I am so thankful that in the midst of the crazy days the Lord knew that these were the 3 precious children He had for us and they came exactly when He wanted them to and I can trust His plan.  And I look at their beautiful faces and I realize just what a blessing they are. And what would my life be like without them?

I sure am glad I'm not the one writing the story.   I wonder what else I would be missing out on.

Monday, August 15, 2011

3 lasagnas

And completing some of the unfinished posts from July.  :)  Have I mentioned it's been a crazy summer?

I know I am not the first to think of this.  I know it's something that more organized, disciplined moms have been doing for decades.  But for me...this was groundbreaking.

I made 3 lasagnas at one time.  Yes I hear your jaw dropping, so impressed with me right? 

I've never actually made lasagna from scratch before.  It always seemed like so much work when Stouffer's makes a perfectly good one.  But when I considered making 3 at once and freezing a couple, suddenly it seemed worth the effort.  It really wasn't that bad.  I just tripled the recipe, bought those little foil baking pans, then cooked one and froze two.  Tonight I plan on doing the same thing with a favorite chicken casserole recipe and Conor has requested a triple recipe of Shepherd's pie later this week.  Again, I know some of you do this all the time, but the idea of making the mess just once and having the night off later in the month is what finally motivated me to get it together.  PLUS a few days after making my lasagnas one of my friends needed a meal - so I just grabbed it out of the freezer and brought it to their family.  So easy.

But I must add that the best part of all?  Being able to say "I made three lasagnas today." It's an amazing trump card.
"Oh honey, no you don't have any clean work shorts to wear tomorrow.  But I made three lasagnas today."
"The playroom's a disaster and I'm not at all in the mood to clean it.  But I made three lasagnas today."

See how that works?  It's pretty great.  I'm going to defrost some chicken now so I can play the "I made 3 chicken casseroles" card tonight....and maybe tomorrow too.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One Year

It was one year ago today that I loaded up our three precious children, Carson - 5 weeks old, Ky - 18 months, and Darby - 3 and took them on a plane with a one-way ticket from Philadelphia, PA to our new home in Texas. (with help from my mother in law and our sweet friend Karen)

waiting to board the plane

lots of electronics and a 1:1 ratio :)

     I can't believe it's been a year.  It seems like just yesterday that we were playing in the backyard or meeting at Chick-Fil-A for free breakfasts or going out for lunch on Thursdays or cramming people into our tiny living room for small group...
I miss it.  I miss our friends.    I remember the day Darby walked up to me with her piggy bank full of quarters she earned doing her chores and asked if it was enough to buy a plane ticket to go back 'home.'   There were tears.  From both of us.

Transition is always hard. 

It's hard to leave a place where you're known...where on your worst day you can call a friend and cry on your couch while the kids play and you don't have to apologize for your tears or explain everything you say to let her know you're not crazy.  She knows.  She knows you're a mess and she loves you and it's safe.

It's hard to leave a place with friends that experienced so much life with you, that know your history, know where you've been.  Because they were there.  We got married together, had babies together, cried over lost babies together, tried to figure out this thing called parenthood together, dealt with screaming toddlers together, bought houses, fixed houses....all together.

Oh leaving that place was so so hard. 

But we knew.  We knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord was calling us somewhere else.  It's never been so clear.  And as hard as leaving was, we knew it was time - funny how sometimes you understand after the fact just how perfect the Lord's timing is.  And we knew He'd carry us through it, and He really has....

And here we are.  One year later.  Not as known, but becoming that way.  With friends to have playdates with and wonderful neighbors with kids the same age.  With people to meet for coffee or workouts or trips to the pool.  With friends we laugh and cry with and another small group that fills a living room.  And a church family that we love and that loves us.  And a beautiful house less than a mile from grandparents with the other grandparents just half an hour down the road.  And 3 growing kids who know their grandparents and beg for more time with them. And a job that Conor loves.  And plenty of warm sunshine...

And it's obvious.  So obvious that we're right where we're supposed to be. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Celebrating Honey!

On July 8th, 2011, Honey had her last chemo treatment and the very next day we threw a party to celebrate the end of a very long year of cancer treatments.

Honey and GPop with their kids.
What a party it was.

4 generations celebrating one of our favorite people.

You've never met a more special lady.  She's worth celebrating.

Honey, you tackled this with honesty, faith, and such grace.  Thank you for letting us share in celebrating what the Lord has done in you and the cancer that's been driven out.  May we not hear that word again except to celebrate that you BEAT it!  God is so good and you've brought such glory to Him with the way you walked this journey. We love you!

And now for the scores of pictures. :)

cousins and best friends :)

Heaton :) 
playing dominoes :)