Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Little Man

Sweet Kyler said goodbye to the beloved binky tonight.  Kyler loves his binky.  He's only allowed to have it at night but he literally giggles with delight whenever he sees it.
So as part of the transition to 'big boy status,' the whole family went to ToysRUs and he got to pick out a special toy that he "bought" with his binkies.  All went smoothly.  He cried a little tonight asking for it, but he was not at all hysterical.

This is harder on me than on him.  I think I'm just sad to give up those baby's forcing the reality that he's growing up, becoming more of a little boy than a toddler....Soon he'll be in preschool, then resisting mom's kisses in front of the school...

I know there's joy that comes with every stage, I'm just really going to miss his baby-ness.
his bear hugs
the way he lays his head on my shoulder when I sing to him before bed
his arm-flailing run
his dances to VeggieTales
his sweet little voice and words only the family understands

And yet, time goes on, baby boys become little boys...the best we can do is hug them tight and enjoy each moment, thanking the Lord for each precious day.
The toy he traded his bink for.



  1. Gosh I wouldn't trade this age for anything. But you're right - it's only for a moment. Sometimes I wonder if it isn't futile to try to capture these times, but then I think to myself, "How could I ever forget the way my little boy makes me smile as he runs around the house with his rolly suitcase and tupperware on his head?"

    Whyyy do they have to grow UP?
