Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sleepy Boy and Surgery

We drove through sonic on the way home from gymnastics today.  I guess the class wore Kyler out a little bit.  He couldn't decide whether to eat his corn dog or nap.

He should get his sleep in.  We'll leave around 5am tomorrow for his 8am surgery.  They're reconstructing his lower eyelid.  Those first couple months of life, before his pressure was under control, his eyes were stretched and are now a little enlarged so his bottom eyelids turn in and his lashes rub in his eye. all. the. time.  It's called "entropion" if you like to google these things.  Now that he's 2, they're ready to do the surgery to correct it.  It's relatively simple evidently.  Shouldn't take much more than an hour.
This will be his 4th surgery and his 6th time under anesthesia and I still feel sick to my stomach every time I hand him to the nurse to be brought back to the operating room.  I hate that they don't let me hold him until he falls asleep.  I feel like we're deceiving him - He cheerfully waves bye-bye and rides off in a wagon with no idea what's about to happen.  So trusting.  It won't be long before he catches on.

Specific prayer requests for the surgery:
  • Wisdom for the anesthesiologist.
  •  An easy, calm recovery from the anesthesia, (he has a really hard time waking up from it.  Lots of tears and screaming)
  • Obviously that they'd be able to fix his eyelids well.
  • That his pressures will be low so we can go off the drops we've been on twice a day since he was 4 months old :)


  1. We will be praying for all the specifics! LOVE you guys!

  2. Praying for y'all. If you need anything let me know. I can watch the other kids for you if you need me too.
