Sunday, May 29, 2011

a 2 year old and a tutu

Perhaps I shouldn't have let this go...

But I just keep thinking it will be even funnier when he's 16.

 I should add that although it was his sister's idea...he was quite stubborn about wanting it back on after his bath and is now sleeping in a fire-truck tshirt and a tutu.

I sure am glad the Lord gave him a brother. :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

what I'll never tell her

It's been a crazy week.  Conor isn't allowed to lift anything or lean over at all for at least 2 weeks because of his eye surgery, so we're making it - but sometimes.... things are a little hectic...
Kyler was the last in the tub the other night and got out himself.  Conor let out the water and I got the kids ready for bed.
The next day (yesterday) I asked Darby to clean the bath toys out of the tub so I could clean it.
"The tub is dirty mom!  I don't want to touch them."
Now I should pause here to say that 3 children bathe in that tub and it needs to be wiped down every. single. night. These kids play hard and they get dirty. 
We pulled Darby aside and reminded her about the story of Jesus washing the disciples' feet and asked her to practice being a servant.  Sometimes serving others means getting a little dirty.  The sweet girl went back and enthusiastically cleaned up the bath toys.
But, when I went in to wipe down the tub I did not find the layer of sand I normally

it was poop. Disgusting.  And I made her clean up the dirty poop-germ covered bath toys.  Since Conor can't lean over and he supervised Ky getting out of the tub and let out the water, he didn't even look in the tub.
The bath toys are now soaking in bleach.  And Darby, if you read this one day, I'm truly sorry . . .

In other news, Carson is trying to walk.  Like turning away from the couch and taking 5 steps before falling.  I'm devastated.
And today 3 different people told me that Ky reminds them of the little boy from Jerry Maguire (sp?) Kyler also had an eye appointment today where they confirmed that he can be off drops (hooray!) and he let them check his pressures with the tonopen, (the tool I hate) I have an update on glaucoma tools I'll have to post later.  It's good news.

No pictures today.  When Conor can help with the kids, I'll pick up my camera again.  Until then I need both my hands. :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

blog worth reading

If you have a moment,
You need to check out a blog.  It's a favorite of mine.  A new favorite.  It's written by an incredible woman named Adeye whom God is using to love on some very special little ones. 
If you've never read the stories of her two daughters, Hailee and Harper.  You simply must.  It's a beautiful story of a rescue, an adoption, unconditional love, and the living out of the heart of our God for the orphan.  Hailee and Harper were born with down syndrome, and in their country that meant they were sent to be hidden away in an orphanage where they struggled.  Where Hailee was sedated day and night for almost five years and when awake, she banged her head on the crib and scratched her ears until they bled, barely able to sit up and never learning to stand or walk.  Where Harper lived not far from her parents who gave money to the orphanage but refused to see her - a beautiful blue-eyed little girl with the most precious grin.
Until God.
Until God moved in the heart of this sweet family to bring home babies #6 and #7 and Adeye flew to the Ukraine to rescue these sweet babes.  Hailee turned six yesterday and the change in her is incredible.
You must read these girls' stories and click through the different links that describe the family's journey.  I don't think you can read the stories and not be moved.
Scripture is full of commands to care for the orphan and the needy. And there are millions of orphans here and abroad, healthy and with special needs waiting for a family.
I know that not every family can do what Adeye's family is doing.  But would you pray for them?  Would you pray that God would raise up other families like them?  Would you pray for the children still waiting?  Perhaps help another family with adoption funding if your own house is full?
And read Adeye's blog.
You'll be so glad that you did.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Morning Faces

Friday morning with nowhere to be but home with each other.  Even Daddy stuck around for a few extra minutes. 
 So much Life, So much JOY, so much personality. :)
 I'm going to miss this chaotic phase.  What a gift it is.  Snot wiping, diaper changing, tantrum taming and all.

Making playdough post to come...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Surgery Update Pics

Isn't he looking great?  He's back to causing trouble already.

Surgery Update

So many prayers and thoughts and texts.  I am so thankful for our awesome friends and family and church family. :)  Kyler is recovering well. He woke up this morning in a great mood and is running all over the place begging for tickles.  I think he'll be just fine.

I am even more thankful for a heavenly Father who takes such good care of little boys and their anxiety-ridden mamas.
Kyler's surgery was perfect.  The surgeon was pleased with how things went and hopefully he'll heal quickly.  His little eyes look so sad right now and he'll probably look beat up for at least a week.
His pressures were normal!  (Praise the Lord!) which means he can probably come off eye drops for the first time since he was 4 months old.  He was such a good sport about his drops, but boy are we relieved.
When they brought him to me in the hospital, he was calm!  I'm not sure what happened before they brought him to me, but regardless, you could tell he'd gotten lots of loving attention from the nurses, especially since it wasn't a peds hospital - I think they were loving having "the baby" as they kept calling him.
So thankful for specific answered prayer.  Our God is so good.

When we brought Ky home yesterday,  he needed to sleep but he just couldn't.  So I enjoyed the snuggles (and held him through the tantrums since he was still too loopy to walk) and he finally fell asleep for the afternoon and slept until 6.  He woke up asking for pizza from the Target food court.  He was that specific.  So nasty pizza hut/target pizza it was.

As I write this, he's trying to wrestle with his daddy and yelling "Tickle me! Tickle me!"  Someone tell this boy he's supposed to be resting today...

Thanks again for your prayers!  One down. One to go.  Conor's surgery is on the 19th.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sleepy Boy and Surgery

We drove through sonic on the way home from gymnastics today.  I guess the class wore Kyler out a little bit.  He couldn't decide whether to eat his corn dog or nap.

He should get his sleep in.  We'll leave around 5am tomorrow for his 8am surgery.  They're reconstructing his lower eyelid.  Those first couple months of life, before his pressure was under control, his eyes were stretched and are now a little enlarged so his bottom eyelids turn in and his lashes rub in his eye. all. the. time.  It's called "entropion" if you like to google these things.  Now that he's 2, they're ready to do the surgery to correct it.  It's relatively simple evidently.  Shouldn't take much more than an hour.
This will be his 4th surgery and his 6th time under anesthesia and I still feel sick to my stomach every time I hand him to the nurse to be brought back to the operating room.  I hate that they don't let me hold him until he falls asleep.  I feel like we're deceiving him - He cheerfully waves bye-bye and rides off in a wagon with no idea what's about to happen.  So trusting.  It won't be long before he catches on.

Specific prayer requests for the surgery:
  • Wisdom for the anesthesiologist.
  •  An easy, calm recovery from the anesthesia, (he has a really hard time waking up from it.  Lots of tears and screaming)
  • Obviously that they'd be able to fix his eyelids well.
  • That his pressures will be low so we can go off the drops we've been on twice a day since he was 4 months old :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Baby Curls

...are gone.
I cried.  But it was time.  The hair in the back grew faster than the hair on top and as it got longer, it wasn't always curly which meant it really was becoming a mullet.

This is the first time I actually debated keeping a lock of baby hair.  To be honest, I find the concept of saving hair and teeth kind of gross. Maybe I'm not very sentimental, but really...what am I going to do with it?  If my mom gave me a lock of my baby hair today....I would throw it away and wonder why in the world she kept it.  If I feel this way, surely this little boy will not care much about his baby hair as a 28 year old man.  So into the trash they went.  I'm going to miss those sweet red curls.