Monday, March 26, 2012

Sick Days and an Eye Update

It seems we haven't gone a week without someone in this house being under the weather since about the middle of February.  Fevers, ear infections, pink eye, bad colds and bronchitis, not to mention both Darby and Kyler are going through some brutal treatment at the dermatologist for a rash that just wouldn't go away.  It's exhausting.  And somehow a little wonderful.  Yes - there are plenty of times that I wish for a moment that these sweet littles would stop needing me and I want to make a "No one touch Mommy" rule because I'm so worn out by all the touching and the clinging and the whines and the cuddling (worn out by cuddling?  Yes.  Judge me if you will but that's where I'm at).

But as often happens and as I've written about so many times before - I have to stop and remember how much I will miss this.  They're growing up way too fast and and there's a chance there will never again be babies in this house and I will long for the days that my sweet three year old just wants to be carried with his head on my shoulder.  All afternoon. 
There's a book that everyone loves where a mother sneaks in her grown son's window to rock him.  That's weird & kind of creepy.  But this is the time for it, for the snuggly affection and rocking, and the million kisses even if I have to steal them.  I'm drinking it in.  We've done lots of rocking lately, lots of cuddling in front of Toy Story, lots of head scratching and back rubbing, lots of nose-wiping, and many many days when I realize my shoulders are covered with baby snot and tears and peanut butter at the end of the day.  It's sweet.  And it's hard.  Really really hard but the more I take the time to realize the sweetness of it the more crazy in love I am with these three little ones and what a privilege it is to have these years with them and it makes me want to freeze time.  Capture every moment and breathe in deep.  So I try.  And it helps that in this house sick kids make for very very cute moments like these:

tshirt, pull up, and rain boots.  Love him

Also a quick eye update for those that have been asking:
Darby: awesome.  Cleared to not see the ophthalmologist again for 5 years.  Yay!
Kyler: looking so so great.  perfect pressures and just had to have his prescription changed because his vision has improved!  Still doesn't need any eye drops, just using glasses to correct the vision damage caused by the glaucoma but he is doing awesome.  Praying that the surgeries he had when he was a baby would continue to keep his pressure stable for the rest of his life!
Carson: Also looks great.  No glaucoma but has his mama's bad vision and needs glasses.  The doctor said for him we would wait until his bad vision created a problem to put him in glasses.  So sometime between next year and kindergarten. :)
Conor:  his eye pressure is looking good.  The surgery last May seems to be doing a really good job of controlling his pressure.  BUT he has a cataract in that eye that they will be removing April 12th.  We'll post more about it as it gets closer.  It's a scary surgery on Conor's eyes, but necessary and the doctor we have is the absolute best.  The good news is that after the surgery he shouldn't even need a contact in that eye, and his glaucoma should be better controlled after the cataract is removed as well.
SO....that's the update. 
Overall we're encouraged, optimistic, and thankful!  But we would definitely appreciate your prayers as it gets closer to Conor's surgery! :)

Alright, time to continue disinfecting the house....

Saturday, March 24, 2012

A 30th

What???  A new post?

I can't think of a better way to hopefully jump back in than with a celebration of my beautiful, smart, & all around wonderful old sister.  Cory turned 30 this month.

Cory, you were my first friend and the very best sister I could ask for.  You bring so much joy to our lives and we are thankful for your ever-present honesty (even if it's about the birthday present we gave you), your courage to try new things, and your infectious, head thrown back laugh.  Thank you for loving your niece and nephews so well and being patient with them even when they're driving you crazy.  They adore you and they will be better people because they know you.  Thank you for never forgetting anything. ever.  Thank you for always letting us borrow your dvds.  Thank you for teaching us about love and conviction and never to let any one else decide what you're capable of.  And most of all: thank you for being my sister.  I love you.

And now a few party pictures.  I was supposed to be taking more pictures but I failed.
Callie - the second cutest party guest (second only to Cory)  Callie belongs to my cousin and his beautiful wife.  Is she not perfect?  I'm stealing her.

Gluten-Free Birthday cake with strawberry, lemon, and chocolate tiers.

Bonnie - Cory's 'best buddy' (a local college student who chooses to spend some of her time every week hanging out with Cory.  We love her and she's become part of the family in many ways)

Darby and Aunt Cory.